Thursday, May 8, 2014

SEO eCommerce Growth In International Markets

Are these thoughts running through your mind?
Looking to grow? 
Thinking about new markets? 
Where are your new clients going to come from? 
How will you reach a new audience, market, customer? 

Let me tell you, it is something we all think about. An effective avenue to look into is Global eCommerce! Today, at this moment is the time for you to be heard globally. Do you realize not any other time in our human history could you reach around the world to shout out what you can do to help save lives, make life easier, save money, etc. For example, people in the Arab world are engaging on Facebook and Twitter in record numbers. The Arab Spring is testimony to the power of social media. The Chinese market is huge and growing. African mobile use is growing faster than any other region! Internet users are over 7 Billion and proliferate in markets around the world. Your U.S. market may not be the market that is looking for your amazing product. 

Top Trading Partners as of March 2014 
1. Canada 
2. China
3. Mexico

Let's stop there. Canada is our border trading partner. 25% of all trade goes to this partner. They are English and French speaking, seeking our products and within easy reach. Shipping is convenient and less costly than overseas, their resources combined with the U.S. Trade offices and your State Trade offices help ease entering into this nearby and welcoming market.

Yes, it can get overwhelming. Don't fill your plate or try to eat the whole pie. Choose a country. Test the market, start slowly by only tackling one new market. How many languages do you add to your site? Well, start with one market, one language. Add slowly, wisely and watch your sales grow.

Not sure how to enter the eCommerce arena? Check out these great resources: eBay,, Alibaba, UPS, USPS, FedEx all have resources to help you. There is much to consider but creating a simple strategy utilizing resources that are experts in global eCommerce will ensure an easier lift-off into markets unknown.

I will be talking about languages, websites and ecommerce platforms at the Regional eCommerce Forum Day in Erie on May 21st. There are great experts and Keynote speakers ready to talk with you and help you learn more to grow and succeed anywhere.
Save the Date!
When: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Time: 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
: Erie Technology Incubator | 130 W. 8th St., Erie, PA 16501
Who should attend? Business owners/entrepreneurs, executive management, and marketing & sales professionals from B2B, B2C and non-profit organizations.

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