Often, we are asked to translate text for manuals that have been written long ago. Many times these manuals were written before the company ever thought about selling abroad and communicating in other languages. Below is a list of things to consider when writing content in English that will - may be - probably will be translated. Remember as you grow your sales, your new clients are most likely located in another region, speaking another language.
5 Simple steps to remember when writing content to translate:
1. White space - most languages are 125% or larger than English. Create your content with enough room to accommodate the new languages.
2. Do not use hard returns. This makes it difficult for a translator to understand the content and create text that works within your space limitations. Sentence structure is different in other languages.
3. If you are selling into the Middle East, text orientation is right to left.
4. Keep it simple. Try to minimize your words using descriptions that are easily understood. This reduces confusion and cost to translate
5. Use formatting tools such as automatic numbering, bullets, lists, etc. These tools create a seamless word document that is more easily understood by translation tools and the translators themselves.
Consult your Language Service Provider. They are a great resource to help you create a document that is understood in any language, less costly to recreate into other languages and will reduce headaches for you.
Happy Writing!
Linda Richardson
All Clear Translations