Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mexico: Your Next Market? Translations Can Build Sales

Mexico - your next market!

Facts to think about

Mexico's GDP growth is over 4%

Mexicans spend 40% of the travel budget at the Mall. Their favorite destination country? The U.S.

Mexicans equate quality with U.S. goods and prefer to buy U.S. products like Skippy, Quaker Oats and Huggies over their own brands.

Luxury goods are hot, haute, hot. Looking for a new market? Mexicans love our cars, jewelry, clothing...

U.S. Health and Beauty products are very popular among Mexicans.

Mexico buys more U.S. products than Brazil, Chile, Latin America all combined.

Mexico is our 2nd biggest trade partner.

Mexico has more free trade agreements than any other country.

Need I say more? Read my May newsletter for more information on entering this new and exciting market.

Get Ready - Set - Grow with Translations!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Language Discussion at W & J University

Last Saturday I was a panelist for a discussion on language careers at Washington & Jefferson College and the Sigma Delta Pi Gamma Mu chapter in Washington, PA. This was the 1st annual panel and I found it to be a fun and interesting way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

The students were interested in studying abroad and how they can utilize language skills to develop a career path. I was intrigued by the availability of grants to help students there travel and experience other cultures. This is truly an education that no student should pass up. The opportunities to engage with others in different cultures opens a mind to new ways of thinking, acceptance of different ways of doing things and adds value to the travelers experiences in more ways than can be imagined.

The State of PA has more reps within country than any other state. These reps are located throughout the world and work to help you grow business in other regions. Many of our in-country PA state reps will be in Pittsburgh on May 6th and will accept appointments if you would like to meet them. Please see the 3rd link for more details! Businesses located in the commonwealth of PA are fortunate to have such amazing resources! Take advantage of it!

The below links are posted here for Hannah. She is traveling to China for 18 days and we discussed entering a very different culture. When traveling to a new region, know the U.S. resources there. The first link lists who to contact, where their offices are and tips for safe travel. I hope this helps you as you journey beyond our borders. Remember their are grants to help you translate your websites and marketing information to sell to other regions. Contact me for more details, together we can build sales! Get Ready...Set...Grow with Translation!

http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1089.html         resources you should have when traveling.


http://www.spcregion.org/plan_news.shtml#trade       PA China reps will be in Pittsburgh May 6th. You could make an appointment to meet them.
Zai Jian, (Goodbye)
Linda Richardson
All Clear Translations

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Novel Look at Emerging Entrepreneurs

A novel look at emerging entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is a hot topic everywhere. The Internet, connectivity and mobile platforms has changed the face of entrepreneurs. 25 years ago an entrepreneur was usually someone you knew, a face that was familiar. Your barber, shop owner, restaurant, insurance man. Now you can connect with small business all over the world.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video is the new wave of marketing campaigns - Get Multilingual! Now you can reach everyone through translations!

We can get creative with you to connect with clients all over the world.
Need a multilingual video, there are online resources that we can use to create your amazing awesome video. Now you can affordably and easily be found by anyone ANYWHERE!
Check it out! Let's talk video translations for your next campaign.